Publications on abuse and exploitation

This book is the English version of the French publication Chasse a l’enfant. Both were written in the wake of the first World Congress against CSEC, when for the first time research was coming together from across the globe to throw insight into the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. It describes the many forms this heinous denial of children’s rights takes in different countries and regions and explains some of the actions being taken.

This publication is in French — the English translation is called Sold for Sex and is also highlighted in this section. The book, a follow-up to the very first World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Stockholm Sweden, in 2006, gives a comprehensive overview of this problem across the world. The book was published by Ramsay (now Hachette).

This was the first in a series of eight booklets focusing on various forms of violence against children, young people and women. This particular edition describes the problem of sexual abuse and exploitation of children in Europe, gives an overview of the legal framework, and outlines the results of projects in this area supported by the European Commission’s Daphne Programme.
This article was published in a monthly journal in a much-edited version. The document provided here is the unedited version. It attempts to provide clarity on the often confused understanding (or lack of understanding) about the men who sexually abuse children.
The sexual abuse and exploitation of children in Morocco: Some preliminary reflections. Dr June Kane for UNICEF, February 2007.
This brief article on the exploitation of the girl child was published in World Vision International’s monthly publication, Global Future.
Sharing and Learning: Workshops at the 2nd World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Yokohama, Japan, 17-20 December 2001. June Kane for UNICEF, August 2002.
In September/October 2004, Kane was the rapporteur at the South Asian regional meeting following up actions taken in the wake of the 2nd World Congress against CSEC (Yokohama 2001). This report from that meeting illustrates what countries in the region have done to participate in efforts to address the abuse and exploitation of children. It includes the Declaration made by governments present at the meeting designed to provide guidance for the future.
This publication is in French. It was a contribution to discussions around the preparation of a national plan to address the sexual abuse and exploitation of children in Morocco, and outlines not only the problem and actions being taken by a range of organizations to tackle it, but also the potential actions that might be taken in future.