Human trafficking publications and resources

In 2022 the book Human Trafficking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives was updated, with new sections. Chapter 3: Making Money Out of Misery, by June Kane, was updated with additional information.
An introduction to the problem of child trafficking and some of the actions being taken across the globe to prevent it, protect children and help those who have become its victims.

Based on a series of studies on child trafficking in Albania, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine, this study seeks out the people hidden between the lines – the victims, traffickers, unscrupulous employers, intermediaries who help them and the people who try to stop trafficking happening and help children who get caught up in it.
PUBLISHED in April 2013, by Routledge New York, edited by Mary C Burke. Kane has contributed the chapter called “Making money out of misery: Trafficking for labour exploitation”. Available from all good bookstores or on-line from
This is the second in a series of eight booklets looking at different forms of violence against children, young people and women in Europe. It gives an overview of the problem – in this case trafficking and labour exploitation – and presents some of the responses tested by organizations across the EU, supported by the European Commission’s Daphne Programme.
This report presents an overview of the issues involved in child trafficking and some of the programmes and projects set up to confront them.
Full publication available from

This report was written for the ILO’s Special Action Programme on Forced Labour (SAPFL) and positions human trafficking and forced labour within the broad framework of labour rights. It contains case studies from across the globe.
This is the report of an evaluation exercise carried out in South East Asia and Latin America, looking at projects aimed at reducing the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children.
This resource kit was written for the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Trafficking (UN.GIFT) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization’s International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (ILO-IPEC). It gives an overview of the issue of child trafficking and responses to it, and points to more than 400 resources available for those working in this field. The English version is given here. It can be downloaded in French and Spanish from the ILO website:
This series of training booklets is based on the 2008 UN.GIFT resource kit (also on this site) and provides exercises and answers for students of child trafficking.
There are very few research publications about trafficking in the Middle East. This report looks at people movements including migration and trafficking in the countries of the Mashreq.
Large numbers of people are trafficked across the permeable borders separating countries of the Mekong subregion (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and southern China), where there is a longstanding tradition of migration for work. For eight years, the ILO regional office in Bangkok ran a subregional project to address this trafficking within the context of safe labour migration. This report contains the results of that project and provides examples of actions that work.
This handbook was prepared for courses developed for journalists (TV, radio, print and digital) in South Africa, as part of a wide-ranging ILO/SA Government programme to address human trafficking within South Africa and cross-border with neighbouring countries. It outlines the pitfalls of reporting on such a complex issue as human trafficking.